Breech Baby Turning Treatment
Author: Victoria Irina
Did you know stimulating acupuncture points can help turning a breech baby via Moxibustion?
In traditional Chinese medicine, the acupuncture point Bladder 67 (BL67), also known as Zhiyin, is used to turn a breech baby into a head-down position. BL67 is located at the end of the Bladder meridian, which runs from the inner edge of the eyes, down the spinal cord, and down the back of the legs, ending next to the nail on the little toe.
What happens during the treatment?
During the treatment, the BL67 point is stimulated by burning a Moxa stick near the acupuncture point instead of using needles. The Moxa stick is made from dried mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) with no added chemicals or harmful to breathe particles. We use smokeless Moxa at the Alma Physiotherapy clinic. Mugwort has been known for centuries for its healing properties, however for the breech baby treatment it is the heat aspect of mugwort which stimulates the point. This heat stimulation promotes an increase in fetal activity and amniotic fluid, thus making it easier for a baby to turn.
What's the aim of the treatment?
The aim of the treatment is to warm the BL67 point for 15–20 minutes a day for at least 10 days. This stimulates the point, relaxing the muscles in the uterus and allowing the baby to turn. Some women report that their baby moves more during or after treatment.
Some clinical studies (see below) suggest that moxibustion can increase the likelihood of a breech baby turning to the correct position, particularly when combined with other methods like acupuncture or specific exercises. Success rates vary, but many practitioners report that it is most effective when started before the 37th week of pregnancy.
When can I have Moxibustion?
Treatment is usually given between weeks 32 and 36, with week 34 being the best time. After week 38, the treatment is less effective. When finished, the moxa should be extinguished in a glass cup filled with dirt or sand, or in a glass cup with a lid.
What type of Moxibustion do you use?
At the clinic we use smoke-free moxibustion, and the treatment is 1 hour, £55.
What else can I do to help my baby turn?
We highly recommend Spinning Babies as a resource. If you're not sure contact your midwife team. Link here for to flip a breech via Spinning Babies:
Victoria is a specialist acupuncturist based at Alma Physiotherapy, 25 Lower Redland road, Bristol, BS6 6TB.
Email our PA Zainab at or call 07942 494506 for help booking.
Victoria's diary is open most Mondays 11-5pm (apart from Bank holidays).