Choose the care you really need
Mummy MOT+ Package
What do you need to help you recover? Choose from our range of treatments depending on what you need right now.
Mummy MOT+ package allows you to choose an add-on service alongside your physiotherapy postnatal session. Choose from mum & baby yoga, mum & baby pilates, birth trauma support, life coaching, baby massage and more!
Get 10% off your Mummy MOT physiotherapy pelvic floor, posture and abdominal rehabilitation session, and get a discounted add-on service. You have 1 year to use your add-on service after your Mummy MOT physiotherapy appointment.
Email pa@almaphysiotherapy.co.uk for help booking in, or book online below.
Choose from one add-on service below:
Amy can assess and treat your scar with various hands-on techniques. For C-section or any other abdominal surgery (8 weeks onwards).
She is a teacher for other scar therapists via Restore. Check out her instagram @thenatalbody for more information
Postnatal recovery massage to help you restore, heal and take time for your body. Massage can improve circulation, relaxation, tension and soreness. Focus can be given on areas you need the most care for.
NB: Massage not recommended before 4-6 weeks following a caesarean delivery.
9:30am Fridays ‘Pilates for Mums’ class. Subject to availability please enquire.
This course has a focus on pelvic floor, glute and core strength which is ideal to reconnect and rebuild post-pregnancy.
The course will be offered in 4-6 week blocks so you can progress week-on-week to acheive your goals.
Babies (including crawlers) welcome.
Please note:
Suitable from 6 weeks after a vaginal birth, or 8 weeks after a c-section.
Worth £78
Becoming a mum is a huge change, physically, mentally and emotionally. What better way to reconnect with yourself, bond with your baby and make new friends.
Classes are specially designed to allow you to safely exercise to regain your strength, pelvic floor and deep core, with your baby by your side.
Worth £78, with BloomYoga Bristol
Worth £65
Amys' extensive training in postnatal rehab and exercise makes her well placed to help you return to, or introduce exercise back into your life.
Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy, but reconnecting back to your body restores your strength, core function, confidence and sense of wellbeing.
Kate is a specialised postnatal yoga teacher in Bristol, who has a passion for supporting and educating people on how to safely return to exercise after giving birth.
The sessions can be in person (Bristol) or online and will be completely tailored to your needs, with a focus on strengthening from the inside out to restore your core, as well as nourishing you physically, mentally and emotionally.
It will be a chance for you to take some time for you, to rest, relax and recharge.
Worth £60, with Happy Parents Club
Using a high quality, non-fragranced vegetable oil, soothing holds and rhythmic strokes are given on each area of baby's body, following a sequence which has been developed by the IAIM over many years. The massage offers a wonderful experience and a special time to communicate both verbally and non-verbally with babies, so that they feel loved, valued and respected.
Four of the main areas of benefit include:
Interaction and bonding
Worth over £100
Grab a session of life coaching with Candice Quartermain. If you are feeling lost in your career or life direction, or struggling to adapt to your new identity as a a mother, then life coaching could be for you.
The 3 Step Rewind Method in Bristol is a gentle and safe way to help you lift any heavy feelings and symptoms that can remain after a difficult or traumatic experience. We support fertility, birth, postnatal, breastfeeding, or any other trauma or phobia.
It is based on practices of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), using visualisations to enable you to re-encode the memory of the experience. You retain the wisdom and let go of any heavy emotions or symptoms. It can help with any automatic response, where we would like more choice in how we respond. We focus on the future, helping you to move forward feeling lighter with more positivity.
Get £80 off 3 sessions which are usually £195. With BloomYoga Bristol.
Registered Mummy MOT® practitioners
Ethical practice
Specialized pelvic & MSK care
Registered Mummy MOT® practitioners | Ethical practice | Specialized pelvic & MSK care |

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